Let’s work together

For over 20 years, my interest in self-development, psychology, and my desire to understand human behavior lead me to uncover my truths, unlock what held me back and achieve personal growth.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to be your coach. There are many emotions greeting us daily. Without the awareness of why and how to address them from a place of empowerment, they will become draining.
I look forward to helping release those emotions that are weighing you down so you can flourish and let your best self-shine!

I get it! Somewhere along the line, your external world has fallen off the tracks, and internally you are left feeling…

  • Frustrated
  • Sad
  • Fed up
  • Overwhelmed
  • Stuck
  • Not heard or understood
  • Alone

You were doing so well.  Then boom, life serves you something beyond your control and the anxiety escalates and you react in a way that makes you and those around you uncomfortable.

You barely get through your day and then off you go to seek comfort.  You find yourself falling into a bag of your favorite chocolate and washing away the day with a good cabernet.  You begin to self-sabotage in your own special way.  Your mind believes this to be a comfortable and familiar place.

Deep down, you have no desire to be here.

You look around to see who you can blame today?  My partner, my boss, my friend, my sibling, my children…myself?  And if you’re not looking for someone to blame you are definitely looking for someone to save you.

Next, you resort to self-lashing for your self-loathing ways. 

  • Why did I do that?
  • Why did I eat/drink that?
  • Why did I say that?

Now you really feel bad.   You then replay an argument that arose which someone tells you how terrible you are…and (gasp) you believe them!  Now you have the internal voice on repeat, “You aren’t good enough”! Dang!

You think to yourself I want to hide or pretend to be something or someone else…or EVERYONE will know my secret!  (I am not perfect)

When you collect yourself you are left having a discussion with your inner voice; how did I get here?

You are left to continue to live day to day in a life that doesn’t feel like it is your own.

Who exactly is in control here?  What’s going on?

More importantly, how do I get out?

  • Wouldn’t it be nice if life was just easier?
  • You could ride those stressful times with grace and patience.
  • Difficult conversations weren’t so difficult.
  • You speak out loud what your inside voice is saying in an empowered loving way.
  • You make decisions in complete confidence.
  • You communicate with your partner, family, and children clearly while getting everyone’s needs met.
  • You communicate with yourself in a loving and respectful manner.


I totally get it. I have had many things in life come together and also fall apart. I have fallen from grace a few times on my journey.   The majority of my life I have been the eternal optimist.   Then when life would throw me a bag of rotten tomatoes, I would look around for someone to blame or come save me.  When nobody came, I would dust myself off and glaze over the not so great versions of my life.  I was great at convincing myself that I had cleaned it up!  I would motivate myself.  All is good, now I can move on and get on to the good stuff.  Right?  Nope!

Glazing over underlying issues doesn’t work

Like most people I was oblivious to the low resonating emotions I was carrying with me that were ready to take over when a stressful situation or crisis hit.  It’s exhausting!

The truth is, it takes more energy to keep what pains us stored and hidden than it does to confront it.

It wasn’t until I got a coach, worked with mentors AND did the self-divesting required that I was able to move forward in my life in an empowered way that felt good to me!


So let’s clean it all up!  Imagine how it would feel to:

  • Communicate with ease
  • Get your needs met
  • Handle stressful situations with grace
  • Make empowered choices
  • View new enlightened perspectives
  • Feel in control of your life
  • Have more energy
  • Happiness
  • Success
  • Radiate from the inside out

Please note.

To ensure I give the best to my clients I limit space for my one to one coaching.

Spaces fill up quickly.

Apply below to find out how you can work with me.